Commenting on creating an effective Facebook campaign: a step-by-step guide.

Want to create your first Facebook campaign and you don't know how to go about it? How does the Facebook campaign work? and comment on the program effectively? How to choose the most suitable budget and the most profitable audience? In this article, I'll take you through a step-by-step review of how to create an effective Facebook campaign. I walk you through the ad manager so you can find it quickly.

Before we get down to business, I'd like to walk you through how Facebook advertising works and why it's one of the most effective ways to promote your business. If you are registered on the Zuckerberg platform, you have probably seen posts with the notion "sponsored" (or if you are an entrepreneur like me, you are probably bombarded by publications that want to sell training of all kinds! )

Facebook advertising looks like a traditional post.

But if you read my articles you probably already know ...

I encourage you to use Facebook campaigns for your business. And not because it's my job, but because you can really win it. I'll try to help you visualize the unfolding of the Facebook campaign: When you buy a newspaper or magazine ad you pay for placement but you don't know who exactly will read your ad. Worse yet, you can't do an accurate analysis or optimize it. On the other hand, on Facebook, you can show your advertising directly to your potential customers. You can target with an accuracy of one kilometre, choosing demographics and the interests of those people.

Facebook analyzes your behaviour on the platform and it knows if you are a vegetarian, an entrepreneur. What are your hobbies?

Even more, it knows if you travel often if you tend to buy via the platform if you manage Facebook pages. In short, they analyze everything. For advertisers, this is rather good news, knowing that in France there are 33 million Facebook users. Now we will see together, step by step, how to create a Facebook campaign.

Where do we create our Facebook campaigns?

Advertising campaigns are created from the Ads Manager. You can access it from your Facebook:

create a Facebook campaign Or else you can simply click on this link.

I am not talking in this article about advertising boosts that are activated from your Facebook page directly because they are much less effective. We are going to focus on the right way to create a Facebook campaign. The one that will give you more choice in the options. But I digress, back to our sheep. If you are creating your campaign for the first time, you will need to add your credit card to be able to pay our dear Facebook. Go to the "Settings" tab:

business manager settings

Then you choose "Payment parameters"

payment settings for Facebook campaigns

With everything set up, you can now go to Ads Manager and start building your campaign.

The first step: The choice of the objective.

When you finally arrive in your Ads Manager, you have to Click on one of these two buttons:

Create a Facebook ad button

Then a window with multiple options is displayed:

Facebook goals

Don't worry, I know this sounds to be very complex (I won't hide from you that Facebook advertising can be very complex) but in this article, we are not going to complicate matters.

We will focus on the essentials that will allow you to promote your business properly and effortlessly. In this window, you choose the objective of your advertisement. It is very important to know what is most important to you.

The objectives are divided into three categories

Awareness - to make your brand is known to as many people as possible

Consideration - to start generating interest in your brand

Conversion - the goal of finding people who will buy from you

In this article we will instead focus on the objectives of the Facebook campaign that will allow you to gain visibility: we choose one from those in the awareness category or those in consideration. To help you better understand, here are some examples. Traffic is a goal that aims to attract as many people as possible to the website. For example, we'll choose it if we want people to come to our sales pages. The "Interactions" goal will allow you to increase the number of people who will "like", share or comment on your post on Facebook. It will also allow you to increase the number of followers on your page or even increase the number of people who will attend an event you are organizing. This is a good goal to start a sense of interest around your brand.

For example, you are launching a new product and you are sharing the photos on Facebook, the objective of the interaction in your Facebook campaign will help generate engagement around this post. People will see that it is "liked" a lot (social proof) and will be more interested in finding out. The Reach goal lets you get your ad to as many people as possible at a time. It’s like putting up a poster on a busy road. The advertising will reach everyone. People will look at your ad without necessarily liking it. That's not to say the Facebook campaign won't have its effect. Keep in mind that there is a large chunk of people on Facebook who don't necessarily interact with posts but read them.

A Facebook campaign with a scope target would be a good idea for the next opening of your store, your store. Especially if you are a local trader and want to reach as many people as possible in a given geographic area. The second step in our Facebook campaign: the choice of audience

Choosing the right audience is a key to the success of your Facebook campaign. If you've never advertised on Facebook, then the Facebook targeting options are very (very) extensive. Hence the complexity of the platform. However, I am not writing this article to scare you off but to show you the enormous potential that opens up to you as soon as you start exploring the possibilities of targeting.

It is also important to distinguish between search engine marketing (Google) which is mainly carried out with specific keywords that users search for and advertising on Facebook which consists of seeking the audience most likely to become your fan or your client. Unlike Google, on Facebook we will look for people in relation to them:

  • hobbies,
  • behaviours
  • demographics
  • geographical area

Everything is in this part of creating the ad:

I don't think I have to explain what targeting by geographic area and demographics is, it's pretty easy.

The really interesting things start in this part:

Facebook campaign: interest targeting

Here you can really find a multitude of interests and behaviours which, at times, can be very specific.

Did you know that we can target Facebook page administrators? Or people whose birthdays are approaching? We can even target people based on their position or even small business owners. This information is really worth gold!

Facebook campaign: example of targeting

If you don't want to miss out on your choice of target, you can analyze your audience beforehand. Facebook has deployed a special tool to let you know the audience you want to reach. To access, click here. The audience statistics tool allows you to see exactly who is behind the chosen interest, sometimes it is even possible to find our competitors (if their pages are large enough for Facebook to include them in the interests). Let's say that I would like to analyze people who love skis (I am a big fan of skiing 🙂

Facebook targeting: Audience statistics

So I can see that the audience is mainly young people with a higher education level (mainly students). This is important information because if you are selling expensive ski equipment, it is not necessarily an audience that you are going to use in your Facebook campaign. Students do not have significant purchasing power (it would be better to reach their parents ^^)

In the second part, you can see the pages liked by these people:

Facebook campaign: Audience statistics, likes

It’s a real wealth of information! Now you know what your audience likes to watch, which brands they are interested in etc ...

If you want to dig deeper into the subject, you can check out the article that I have dedicated specifically to this tool. I encourage you to read it right after you finish this article because, really, it is a magical tool!

Third step: investments

We've come to a part of the Facebook campaign creation where we decide where to put our ad. By default, Facebook will leave “automatic placements”. However, you can change them. So you have the choice among the several platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Audience Network
  • Messenger

Depending on your target and your message, you can change the location.

Example: If your audience is young you will probably try to place your ad on Instagram. Right Column only works on computers and messenger ads is a good idea if we want to get users to contact us.

In general, what works very well is advertising on Facebook "feeds".

By choosing multiple locations, you will also spend more because the audience will be larger.

Fourth step: the budget

The question that arises each time when launching a campaign "How much advertising budget to devote for a campaign?" ".

Well, it's hard to say exactly how much to spend because several factors come into play:

  • the competition
  • audience size
  • your targeting
  • the quality of your advertising.

Facebook advertising is based on an auction system. We pay the platform according to the result. And the result is different depending on our goal ...

There, you will say to yourself "this is all very complicated! ". It can be quite complex, especially when there are big budgets in Facebook campaigns. This is why companies work with specialists to reduce the budget as much as possible. However, we can try to make an estimate. If you choose a "Reach" goal you will pay a certain price for the 1,000 people, your ad has reached. In the campaigns that I manage, whether nationally or locally, the budget spent hovers around 5 and 7 euros (at the time of writing this article, October 2018). You just have to calculate 5 euros x the audience you want to reach.

Fortunately, Facebook gives you this information when choosing targeting:

Facebook campaign: Facebook page administrators

For campaigns that target interactions, you have to calculate based on cost per result. This one can vary but you can launch a campaign and after 50 results you will see what the price is per interaction. If it's around 30 cents, you're calculating against the number of interactions you want to achieve. Let's say 30 cents x 100 interactions that's 30 euros.

To better manage your budget, I advise you to set a budget per day and the number of days the campaign should run and leave the optimization automatic. Facebook will do everything to lower the price:

Facebook campaign: budget

The fifth step: creative content

The creative content or in other words the post that you want to show your audience. This part of the creation of the Facebook campaign is, in my opinion, the least complicated compared to the previous ones.

You choose which Facebook or Instagram page your post will be promoted from and then you decide whether you want to promote a post from your page or create an ad that won't show on your Facebook page.

Facebook campaign: Creative content

A quick tip: Try to use rather colourful photos or graphics. As a result, they will stand out better against the blue background of Facebook.


Creating a Facebook campaign is not inherently difficult. It is especially necessary to think carefully about some of its aspects like objective or target. These two elements will decide its effectiveness and its cost. Good audience analysis should always precede every Facebook campaign. The more information you have about your potential customers, the better!

The budget is a very personal thing because it depends on:

Resources from our portfolio - if we are a private person, a blogger

Budget for advertising - if we are a representative of the company

In general, it is better to start with a smaller daily budget and then increase if the results are there.

Things like placements and creative content aren't to be overlooked either. If we want to attract users, we have to know how to seduce them with a beautiful image and with the appropriate text.

If you want to learn more about Facebook advertising, I give you some links to other articles that will complement it:

the article on targeting

the article on the price of Facebook advertising where I explain everything in detail

the article on advertising boosts and why it is a bad idea to use them

examples of effective Facebook ads.

There you go, I hope my article will make it easier for you to create your campaigns in the future. Please feel free to share this article with others so that it will be of use to as many people as possible.

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