Everything you need to know about video marketing in 2020

 Who says new year, says new trends! In terms of audiovisual communication, we can say that things are moving fast. Very quickly!

So here's everything you need to know about video marketing in 2020.

Video marketing trends in 2020

Over the past ten years, and with the emergence of social networks, the video industry has evolved a lot and rapidly. The appearance of new machines; cameras, microphones, smartphones, drones, etc. have profoundly changed the way we film. Brands want visibility, and video gives them it. Now everyone can have their own channel (YouTube) and stream video content indefinitely ...

Let's see what the big changes will be in video marketing in 2020.

1) Video becomes the most coveted type of content

Did you know that in 2020, 80% of internet traffic will come from the video?

Video is becoming increasingly important in our marketing strategies, as it is the format most popular with consumers.

According to Hubspot, 85% of them want their brand to communicate more through video. And 64% will make a purchase after seeing a branded video on social media. Video has emerged as the preferred type of content for brands and consumers because it delivers value. A film informs, tells a story (brand storytelling), and creates emotion.

Some brands are embarking on “video first” brand content strategies. Giving priority to video, they sometimes obtain spectacular results and perform commercially.

Every month, 1.9 billion people use YouTube.

Today, YouTube is the second most popular search engine, after Google, and the third most visited site after Google and Facebook. For brands, but also businesses and freelancers, owning your YouTube channel is becoming more and more essential. It is now part of the SEO strategy. Indeed, video causes a 157% increase in organic traffic from search engines.

With the acceleration of 4G, and even the deployment of 5G, video can be watched everywhere and all the time. On a PC at work, on a tablet in bed, on a smartphone in transport, in 2020, all types of video content can be consumed without moderation.

2) Augmented reality, the darling of video marketing in 2020

Snapchat was the first platform to offer augmented reality and paved the way for other social networks. This technology, often used in a fun way to virtually disguise yourself as cute animals, is in fact much more than a simple, fun, and childish invention! It offers brands the opportunity to get closer to their customers by offering to virtually test their products.

Augmented reality offers a greater dimension to the customer experience. It is the opportunity that brands must seize to offer consumers the possibility to try on clothes, make-up, choose options for their next car, etc.

Applications will increasingly integrate this technology, which will open up the field of marketing possibilities. New marketing strategies enriched by augmented and virtual reality will emerge. They will improve the customer experience in real-time. Facebook and Instagram have also recently launched into augmented reality. They certainly see it as an opportunity to provide their users with a better experience. But also, (and above all!) The opportunity to attract more and more advertisers. Faced with the ever-increasing desire of consumers to try products before buying them, augmented reality will therefore be the weapon of brands to offer a strong experience before the act of purchase.

3) Video on social networks, still No. 1 in marketing video in 2020

In France, 47% of 18–34-year-olds prefer to find out about the news on social networks rather than on television or in the newspapers. This implies that the internet is starting to outpace its competing media: television, radio, print media. And it's gone to last! Internet users read the news on social networks, which are gradually turning into real search engines. Remember that YouTube has become the second search engine after Google. Each network is used by Internet users for its specificities:

- LinkedIn: information on companies and the world of work

- Instagram: novelty on brands

- Pinterest: trend research

Knowing that brands use networks to boost their notoriety and that Internet users are addicted to images, the creation of videos on social networks in 2020, therefore, appears to be an essential strategic point. People spend 5 times more time in front of a Facebook video than in front of static content.

Customers and users expect their brands to be informed. This is the guarantee of a successful customer experience. The information given in video on networks is, therefore, a key to boosting its online reputation and boosting a community's commitment to its brand. As proof, social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. The entry into this new decade will therefore be without much novelty. Video on social media remains a sure trend in marketing.

4) The TikTok phenomenon

TikTok is the new social platform to follow and invest in 2020.

Its popularity has already exploded, as the platform already has more than 4 million active users in France. In fact, the Bytedance group, owner of TikTok, has just opened offices in Paris. And above all, TikTok ads are now accessible to French advertisers! Hence the need for brands to capitalize on this network. What is it exactly? TikTok is an application that highlights the creators of short videos with music. Praised by 13-25-year-olds, brands can tell their story to the audiences concerned.

On the application, brands create their brand content, and can organize contests, partnerships with (micro-) influencers, or sponsor hashtags. TikTok users spend an average of 40 minutes a day! This allows brands to deliver a lot of content, especially long content, which is much more difficult on other social platforms.

For brands that have a young target, in 2020 it will be necessary to integrate TikTok into their digital strategy. The figures speak for themselves: 45.7% of French people under 13 say they use this platform, and 41% of users are between 16 and 24 years old. You have to take advantage of the growth of this network and get into it quickly before the competition does.

5) Lives, an ever-growing potential

Video broadcast lives on the internet are nothing new. Certainly. But its potential is still growing. Brands and companies have understood the challenges of life and now use it as a channel in their own right. Live is becoming more professional. In 2020, recording life is no longer done “with the phone at arm's length”! 

Some brands offer live videos shot in professional conditions, with film sets, microphones, and multi-cameras. Companies with less budget still reserve a small equipped studio for their lives and use it occasionally. Over the next decade, we will see more and more lives, with broadcast quality. The goal is to always be closer to your community. Offering live expertise allows you to interact directly with your target. The benefits are twofold. A very strong customer experience, with emphasis on individuals from its community. And for brands, it is the possibility of having immediate customer feedback! This is a real asset, to correct and reorientate its products, when necessary.

6) The user/customer will be the best spokesperson for your marketing video in 2020

Do you know what UGC is? This is called "User Generated Content". In French, user-generated content. In contrast to invasive advertising, which is no longer popular in 2020, user-generated content is now an essential element of good branding. Brands allow their users to create their own content while using the brand's channels. They thus eliminate the middleman. This helps to strengthen the authenticity of the brand and the confidence of its users. This content, which can be created by anyone, is raw and honest and therefore extremely valuable to brand credibility.

Some of these users, content creators, have small, very engaged communities. They are also called micro-influencers. They play a key role in the relationship between the brand and the consumer and become true ambassadors for the company. The videos produced by these micro-influencers are also an economic boon for companies because their cost is lower. The monetization of UGCs is, therefore, a major issue, and a short-term trend that will have to be followed.

7) Ethics, transparency and video marketing in 2020

Today, companies want to limit their impact on the environment and optimize their processes to reduce waste. Large or small, local or international, companies must imagine responsible and sustainable internal operations. The impact of businesses on the world is a real leitmotif, but also an axis of communication. Consumers want to know what impact their brands are having on the world. They want to know their choice and their ethical commitments. Video allows brands to put forward their ethical positions, to share them. This reinforces the feeling of authenticity with their consumers. Communicating by video allows you to get closer to your consumers in a more direct and transparent way. By seeking to improve their sustainability, brands are sending a positive message to their users. Putting it in a video will create emotion and a strong sense of belonging for the user, who will feel in tune with their brand.

Ethics and transparency are powerful values ​​for a company. Marketing videos in 2020 will help highlight them and help improve the brand image. 

We can clearly see that video remains an influential marketing tool, which will have to be built on again this year (and probably this decade!).

Technological advances are making it possible to leverage the power of video marketing in 2020.

Each company can adapt its video strategy to its values ​​and state of mind. What will matter this year will be to produce quality video content on a regular basis.

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