Google's 4 most important ranking algorithms

Google's 4 most important ranking algorithms

Forget the cliché - search engine optimization (SEO) is definitely dead.

And for the record, Google can now determine the difference between a website that deserves to rank and one that shouldn't, better than ever!

Gone are the days of ranking manipulation tactics aimed at increasing the number of keywords in search results. Instead, today Google uses its portfolio of "algorithms" and "machine learning programs" to find, summarize, and display relevant web results pages that match the needs of a search query. user.

Google's 4 most important ranking algorithms
Google's 4 most important ranking algorithms

Whether you're helping a group of customers or running your own sites, a deep understanding of how Google works can catapult website traffic and leave the competition behind. The trick is to understand how and why Google chooses to rank websites.

Before moving on to this post, it's important to have a clear understanding of what a search “algorithm” is and how Google works - let's get started.

Simply put ...

A search algorithm is a process or set of rules that search engines use to determine the meaning of a web page. Algorithms are used to filter, digest, and rate web pages to ensure that search results match the user's search query.

As the internet grew exponentially, Google had to become a data filtering machine. To get results that match a user's search query, Google uses a series of complex rules and procedures (including algorithms) to search, filter, and digest web pages on the Internet using its own "index". . It is this "index" of web pages that Google uses to display relevant search results.

Remember that Google is not the Internet, but rather should be seen as a “gateway”, helping users find up-to-date and accurate information time and time again. As a major search engine, Google dominates the industry, processing more than 3.5 billion searches every day! Given the high user demand and the potential power to create or destroy websites and businesses, it is clear that investing the time necessary to cooperate and impress Google's algorithms is a win-win situation for them. your customers' websites.

Now let's move on to learning four of Google's most important ranking algorithms and what you can do to get good books.

Panda algorithm

Definition: Panda likes to read and digest information. Try to create content that meets the user's search queries without ever copying it. Grab Panda's attention with long-form content ten times the competition, but don't fluff large pages if you don't need to. If you are running an eCommerce site, then focus your efforts on creating high-quality product pages that are worth ranking.

What is the panda?

Originally released in February 2011, Google's Panda algorithm creates a web page “score” based on a series of mostly content-driven quality criteria that are always regularly updated. Originally designed to act as a 'ranking filter' to filter sites with plagiarized or very fine content from search results, Panda was then incorporated into the main ranking algorithm in early 2016. The algorithm's content-driven metrics continued to provide an important basis for Google's ranking. factors that help deliver search results that provide useful information time and time again, making Google a must-have search engine on the web.

How it works?

Much like the animal's coat and markings, Panda likes to see the thick, quality, and unique content. The algorithm understands page-by-page duplication of content (both internally and on other sites) and certainly doesn't like keyword stuffing. Websites with lots of duplicate pages or poor quality content may experience drops in rankings, which in turn will reduce traffic when Google begins to devalue the domain. Pages with high quality content that meet users' search queries should be rewarded with higher ranking positions. However, this is not always the case, especially in online marketplaces where competition is fierce and other ranking factors have more priority, such as domain equity and backlinks.

How To Make Sure You Don't Get Penalized

Webmasters, SEO managers, and website owners can all make a difference when it comes to staying on the good side of Panda. As the algorithm is continuously updated, it is important to always apply the best content strategies in order to protect your website from any future updates. Follow these three content strategies to stay ahead of the game ...

Make sure the content you post is 100% unique - never “rotate” or copy content.

Don't create pages with thin or duplicate content - always try to write at least 200 words per page. Writing “some” content is always better than no content.

If the pages without content cannot be updated with more text, you should consider removing them from Google's index to reduce negative exposure. This can be done by editing a website's robots.txt file or by changing the settings in SEO plugins like Yoast SEO.

Penguin algorithm

Definition:  Penguin likes to see trusting relationships between sites. Stay out of the Penguin Slap by creating genuine, quality connections with others on the internet. As in the real world, there are no quick shortcuts to building strong relationships. If you're running link-building strategies, be sure to check backlinks to your website regularly to keep your footprint clean, crisp, and natural.

What is Penguin?

First published in April 2012, then integrated (like Panda) into the main ranking algorithm in 2016, Google's Penguin algorithm is a data processing filter independent of real-time, location, and language. , which aims to discover and devalue websites with backlinks that could be manipulated. or unnatural. Penguin's regular updates have dramatically transformed the SEO industry. Today, outdated tactics can penalize and even delist websites from Google's index. The algorithms focus only on backlinks thus ensuring that SEO managers and webmasters build and attract high-quality backlinks which are seen as a strong “vote of confidence” between websites.

How it works?

Much like groups of penguins, the algorithm likes to see trusted “link” relationships around websites. Despite the noise nuisance in the industry, building high-quality links is still one of the most important tactics for achieving rank increases. Penguin closely monitors websites so as not to tamper with the system. Running in real-time, Penguin kicks in when sites quickly create threatening links, pay sponsored links, or apply spammy black-hat techniques. The algorithm also monitors 'anchor text' profiles, which can also be intelligently orchestrated to influence rankings. Manipulating Penguins by applying unethical tactics could result in huge loss of website traffic.

How To Make Sure You Don't Get Penalized

In the words of Google - "Avoid tricks meant to improve search engine rankings." Generally, you feel comfortable explaining what you have done to a Google employee ”. To stay in the good Penguin books, you need to bond with which you want to exist and not just because you have a short-term goal. If you are new to link building or want to change your habits, remember to always approach link development with the motto "earn link". It means creating links that you would never want to remove.

Have you noticed a recent drop in traffic or are you worried about being penalized? Stay calm, you can take action before it is too late. Paid backlink profiling tools, such as Majestic, ahrefs, and Link Research Tools, will help you assess a website's footprint and highlight areas for improvement.

To quickly gauge the levels of spammy links surrounding a domain, you need to review the distribution of its anchor text. Using Majestic's tool, here's a great example of a site that appears to be in an unnatural top 10 list featuring a lot of spammy links.

Hummingbird algorithm

Definition: Hummingbird is ready and waiting to feed on your website like sweet nectar. Try to grab attention by creating pages that match the user's “search intent”. Explore possible synonyms and target longer keywords with less competition. Learn from competitors who may be ahead of you. If you're struggling to write content, answer common customer questions in a natural and engaging way.

What is a Hummingbird?

Originally released in September 2013, Google's Hummingbird algorithm dramatically changed the way the search engine interpreted user queries and rewarded websites that responded to a user's search phrase. The introduction of Hummingbird caused websites to focus on matching a user's "search intent" rather than just trying to rank for a keyword or phrase. The ultimate goal of this brand new algorithm was to help Google better understand the “what” behind a user search query, rather than showing results based on a more general keyword. In short, Hummingbird helps users find what they want, besides allowing Google to search, filter and display result more precisely focused on the meaning of a query.

How it works?

Much like the bird that gave it its name, the algorithm is instantly recognizable each time a Google results page is displayed. You can see Hummingbird in action at the bottom of Google, where you see other "topic-related" results that don't necessarily contain the keywords from the original search query. Hummingbird is not a penalty-based algorithm. Instead, it breaks down long conversational queries to decode "intent," takes into consideration the broader relevance of websites to each search and rewards sites that use natural synonyms and long-tail keywords. Hummingbird not only understands the behavior of different web audiences, but the algorithm can also quickly recognize what a searcher is looking for, by displaying the corresponding suggestions in the search box before the results are displayed.

For unrecognized search queries (did you know - about 15% of all Google searches performed daily have never been crawled before !?), Google harnesses the power of its artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm - Rankbrain. Released in April 2015, this machine-learning supercomputer not only deciphers the "intent" behind new queries, but it also filters the results displayed. You can read more about Google's Rankbrain algorithm here.

What can I do to get his attention?

Ultimately, websites that implement a cross-combining of the algorithm's criteria should experience a significant increase in rankings in hours. If your site is currently ranking poorly in your niche, there is a good chance that Hummingbird has an influence. on your positioning. Try to build a strong 'hummingbird-friendly foundation at the start of any digital project, as it will pay dividends. This can include; incorporating conversational responses to questions in the content (here's a great example), including synonyms, and targeting keywords or long-tailed phrases. To find synonyms, Ubersuggest is a great place to start. Also, Google's related search results are always worth a look. Remember to check out the competitors who rank above you.

Pigeon algorithm

Definition: Pigeon is ready to provide better local results when you start to feed it. Take advantage of Google My Business and register with authentic and reliable local directories, such as Yelp. When creating content, try to use text and images that are distinctly associated with a location or area. If you are running a service business, make sure you generate user reviews that will help you stand out from the local crowd.

What is Pigeon?

First published in August 2013, Google's Pigeon algorithm was launched to provide better results for local searches. Before Pigeon, Google's local search results produced a wealth of information. An update was therefore required to incorporate location and distance as important factors when displaying results. Google subsequently reduced the number of local business results displayed from 7 to 3, making local exposure even more difficult. However, the algorithm effectively combined Google search results with Google Map searches and created a more consistent way for websites to rank organically for local searches.

How it works?

Much like the navigation capability of carrier pigeons, the algorithm is primarily based on collecting data about a user's location and distance before the search results are displayed (this data must be shared with Google, otherwise the data must be shared with Google). results are based only on keywords). Pigeon is a prime example of Google in a “mobile-first” world, which strives to deliver relevant search results with every possible interaction. While it's impossible to manipulate sites where potential customers can use Google, Pigeon now takes local directory listings, reviews, and local reputation more into account when ranking results. This algorithm does not penalize websites, rather, it aims to highlight sites that deserve to be listed locally.

How To Make Sure You Get Local Notice

Pigeon likes to see local connections and reward consistency of data on the Internet. It's important to focus on basic SEO that incorporates location-based keywords and take advantage of Google My Business listings. If you really want to impress Pigeon, work on creating high-quality directories with consistent data, and work hard to establish positive user-generated reviews. With so many local businesses now relying heavily on Google to drive traffic and sales, a thorough understanding of this algorithm will help create much-needed space between local competition.


A better understanding of how Google ranks websites helps you spend time in areas where changes can impact performance the most. It's important to remember that improving website rankings is a lengthy process that requires strategic direction. It is sometimes difficult to meet the criteria of Google algorithms. At the same time, however, aligning with the expectations of each algorithm automatically generates the strategy needed to be successful online. Executing tactics aimed at impressing Google's algorithms is always the best strategy, as they ultimately create the rules that can make or break any future achievement.

It is inevitable that Google is constantly updating and changing its algorithms. Even as the most dominant internet search engine, Google is constantly rocking the boat to disrupt the SEO industry, improve search results, and stay ahead of its competition. Indeed, when a user does not receive the response he is looking for, it is quite possible that he is using another search engine. Over time, if Google searches decline, the revenue generated by Google Ads also decreases, so it is in the best interest of the search engine to maintain and improve search results on an ongoing basis.

The four algorithms described in this article are only part of Google's ranking algorithms. In total, over 200 ranking factors have been examined through a wide range of sophisticated algorithms and machine learning programs. These algorithms ultimately decide where a web page ranks in search results. Ongoing updates, both technically and behaviorally, require the critical need to stay on top of overtime.

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