8 tips for a successful Facebook Lead Gen campaign

Although very often used for B2B campaigns, Lead Generation Facebook campaigns can be essential for any type of business. Whether it is to attract new customers, increase the number of downloads of a white paper, generate requests for quotes or even promote test drives, these campaigns are goldmines for companies that want to increase the number. of potential customers in their database.

 Facebook offers the possibility of creating forms for the generation of leads on the platform. So users don't need to go to a company's site to register, since they can do so directly on Facebook. All you have to do is create your form on your Facebook page and select the "Lead generation" objective when you create your campaign.

8 tips for a successful Facebook Lead Gen campaign

 To maximize your chances of success, here are 8 tips that will help you in your next campaign:

Avoid long forms. Indeed, the length of the forms directly impacts the completion rate. A form that is too long can deter some users, and conversely, a form that is too short can give you low-qualified leads. To find the right balance, experiment with several lengths of forms.

Add at least one field to be filled in by the user. Facebook will automatically fill in certain fields, such as last name, first name, and email. By adding a field that must be filled in by the user, you will avoid having forms submitted in error and overwhelming your database with unskilled users.

Automate the import of leads into your database. To avoid having to manually import new leads generated by your Facebook campaign, connect Facebook to your database. This will save you time, avoid oversights and improve the customer experience. Facebook has several integrations with the most popular CRMs, which you will find here. If the connection is not already made with the tool you are using, it is possible to automate these leads through a connector such as Zapier.

Send a confirmation email. When a new lead is generated in your database, automate the sending of a confirmation email. This ensures a better user experience and avoids a second submission of the form by the user who thinks that the first attempt was unsuccessful.

Evaluate the quality of your leads. The quantity of leads is no guarantee of success. In your database, be sure to categorize your leads by traffic source, campaign and/or targeting so as to optimize your campaigns based on lead quality. For some CRMs that have a direct connection with Facebook forms, just add a field in your database that will collect this information and associate it with the corresponding field of your form.

Exclude subscribers already registered and those who completed the questionnaire. In Facebook's Business Manager, first creates a custom audience by importing your current database. Next, create a second audience of users who filled out the Facebook form. This will allow you to exclude these two audiences from your targeting and avoid showing your ads to already registered users.

Add a redirect link to your website at the end of the form on Facebook. If you advertise to users who do not know your company and/or your services, add a button at the end of the form to invite them to visit your website. This will allow interested users to go directly to your website without having to search on their own.

Do an AB test between the form on Facebook and the form on the site. Depending on the type of users you are targeting, they may prefer to come to your site to fill it. Use the A / B testing tool on Facebook by choosing the objectives of "conversions" and "lead generation" campaigns. Make sure the form on your landing page and the form on Facebook are the same to compare apples to apples, and don't forget to include any hidden fields. Then assess your cost per lead and the quality of your leads between these two tactics to determine the best strategy for your business.

Facebook Lead Gen ads are a great alternative to generating leads on your website. If you have not yet tested this format, we highly recommend it. And if you still don't know where to start, don't hesitate to contact Burraq IT Solutions

BITS has been working in digital marketing for over 7 years. As digital media marketing experts, we support our clients in their growth without ever losing sight of their marketing objectives. Passionate about numbers, BITS specializes in conversion accounts and e-commerce.

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