Top 10 Basic Tools in SEO Used are in Business

In 2020, 93% of digital experiences started on a search engine. These experiences can lead to online purchases, quotes, or appointments. As you will have understood, appearing among the first positions on a search engine for strategic keywords related to your business is a good idea. This will allow you to both boost your visibility on the web and increase your turnover.

Natural referencing is a real competition with your competitors and is based on different criteria. Being well positioned on the web is a long-term job that should not be done haphazardly. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools to help you improve your SEO and analyze your performance. In this article, we show you 10 specific tools that will help you develop your organic search engine ranking strategy.


The Search Console is a free tool offered by Google. It is complementary to Google Analytics since it allows you to measure SEO-related performance and to see the general state of your site. Google Search Console, therefore, aims to monitor natural referencing and optimize it.

With this tool, you can:

ensure the indexing of all your pages,

analyze the ergonomics of your website,

detect errors present within your pages,

track your performance related to natural referencing through different KPIs: number of impressions, clicks, average click-through rate, average position on the search engine, and even user queries.


Ahrefs is a paid platform, which brings together many very interesting features. The tool is excellent for creating advanced reports with precise and useful data. It is possible to create several projects there, which is very useful, especially for agencies or companies with more than one site.

It offers a very advanced analysis to its users:

keywords, organic and paid competition,

the general performance of the site related to SEO, referring domains,

Ahref stands out mainly for backlinks since this tool gives much more information on this subject than its main competitors.


It is certainly the platform best known by Internet users. But is it really worth it? 

SEMrush is a paid platform, which offers 360° visibilities on SEO performance: 

·         site health audit,

·         keywords,

·         backlinks,

·         commitment,

·         ranking,

·         monitoring of organic and paid performance,

·         estimation of the performance of the competition,

·         follow-up of actions carried out on social networks,

·         etc. 

Most marketers find everything they need here. The only downside, the backlinks part is not sufficiently complete for an in-depth analysis. Just like Ahrefs, SEMrush allows for the creation of multiple projects.


This free tool is part of Google Ads features. It is undeniably useful for selecting suitable and effective keywords. The planner allows you to find new keywords and their search volume, but also to check the relevance of the keywords already used. 

Thus, for the development of an SEO strategy, you can discover in a few clicks which are the relevant keywords for your site, in accordance with the reality of the searches carried out by Internet users on Google.


Screaming Frog is a freemium software for performing technical and semantic audits of websites. This is installed locally on a computer. The free version makes it possible to carry out a simple analysis of the site but nevertheless offers a qualitative inventory. The paid version is further developed with more features. Thus, Screaming Frog is suitable for both amateurs and digital professionals.

This software allows you to:

·         get an overview of all the essential elements for SEO and the health of the website (meta descriptions, titles, images, internal linking, speed, URLs, etc.)

·         fix canonical URLs, 

·         detect duplicate content, 

·         detect technical errors,

·         analyze the depth of clicks, 

·         export data and create a sitemap.xml.


The Ubersuggest site was acquired in 2017 by Neil Patel. Ubersuggest is available to everyone since it is free. This tool is dedicated to keywords and their analysis.

If you are looking to develop a semantic strategy without opting for a paid solution, Ubersuggest will be of great help to you.


GTmetrix is a free tool, that specializes in analyzing the performance and speed of sites. It is therefore very useful in the context of a technical audit. In addition, this analysis can be carried out according to specific criteria: web browser, country, city, device.

The operation of GTmetrix is ​​very simple. Just insert the site URL and click on “Test your site”. You'll get an overall score, along with details like full load time in seconds, page weight, and a number of HTTP requests. Below these elements, you will find a list of recommendations to improve this performance.


Google's tool, PageSpeed ​​Insights, serves the same purposes as GTmetrix. Their operation is very similar. PageSpeed ​​Insights is just as relevant as the previous one for analyzing the speed of a site. However, we think it is wise to cross-reference the data from these two sites, in particular, because the results and recommendations are sometimes slightly different.


First, My PoSEO is a 100% French site. The site offers many possibilities as part of an SEO audit:

·         page positions,

·         keyword research and analysis,

·         evolution of positions, 

·         competition,

·         CSV/PDF data export,

·         etc. 

At the same time, a multitude of other functionalities allows you to go much further: analysis of paid referencing, social networks, and creation of tailor-made dashboards for monitoring.

Overall, this site is great for performance tracking and SEO optimization. On the other hand, it does not seem to us to be developed enough for professional monitoring in comparison with Ahrefs or SEMrush.


Semji is a paid SaaS platform, allowing you to maximize the ROI of SEO content. Thanks to AI technologies, Semji users can produce better content in less time. A considerable asset for Marketing and SEO teams, who will be able to provide their audience and Google with more relevant content than their competitors.

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