WordPress Training Course in Lahore -Burraq IT Solution

 Introduction to the Basic WordPress Course


WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to create and maintain a blog or other type of website.

It is ideal for beginners who want to create their website with a self-managing tool, or for those who do not have advanced technical knowledge.

The official release of WordPress occurred on May 27, 2003, with WordPress version 0.70 – 2003, and since then this CMS has been continuously evolving. In 18 years and more than 75 versions, it has gone from being a simple platform for the almost exclusive creation of blogs to being the most popular dynamic content manager on the planet. The data speaks for itself, and with a market share of more than 65%, it is one of the most widely used dynamic content managers in the world and in demand for the creation of all types of websites.

WordPress World Wide Usage
WordPress Usage Statistics

WordPress is highly recommended for websites that are regularly updated. If you write content very often, when someone accesses your website, they can find all that content sorted chronologically (newest first, oldest last), blog style.

But with the incorporation of plugins in WordPress, this manager acquired superpowers and went from being a "simple blog" to a place full of plugins to manage e-commerce stores, libraries, corporate websites, acquiring features that make any project possible with WordPress.

In this Section, we learn Complete WordPress Learning.

Complete WordPress Website Course

In this 12-lesson WordPress Training we start with the installation of WordPress on a Hosting manually and also automatically, we apply the basic "recommended" configurations on the web and install a Theme (theme).

We see how to create Pages and Posts and the importance of taxonomies. We create menus and add widgets to the “right sidebar” (sidebar) and install plugins. 

We discuss the importance of setting up comments well and how to manage users and their roles. Finally, we dedicate a lesson to backup copies and the need that must exist to carry them out whenever necessary. We will learn the complete WordPress course for beginners.

With WordPress you can manage these:

WordPress Training Duration

The complete course has a duration of 1 month on alternative days, and we also provide Online LMS Lyskill for students as well as complete WordPress training in Lahore.

It is estimated that taking this WordPress full course should not take you more than 2 hours (counting the questionnaires), if you do it all the time, although you can also choose to spread the lessons over several days to better assimilate the contents and practice with a website on your Hosting or on your computer.

Basic requirements for WordPress Website Design Course

There are a series of requirements necessary to launch a website with WordPress and the most important ones are listed below.

  • A Hosting with Apache, PHP, and MySQL technology (minimum).
  • A WordPress auto-installer on the Hosting or manual installation.
  • A backup system at the Hosting or CMS level.
  • Corporate image designs for your project: logos, banners, etc.
  • Planning drawn up to advance from 0 to 100 with the web progressively.

Obviously, the idea is to have a Hosting to install WordPress, but it is not 100% essential if what you want is just to practice, since there are sites that allow you to have ephemeral installations of WordPress (to use and eliminate) so that you can practice! Internet! 😉


You can also resort to a WordPress installation on your computer, using a free local server such as WAMPP/XAMPP/LAMPP (we do not cover it in this Course) so that you can carry out the practices of this course.


In essence, you need time, dedication, and a great desire to learn because the WordPress adventure, once it has started, does not stop, and it will take you where you want to go.


Why do you need WordPress to create a Website or Blog?

If you are looking for a tool that will help you create your website in a simple way, WordPress is the recommended CMS. It's incredibly flexible, has thousands of free (and commercial) themes, and plenty of plugins that will allow your site to continue to grow with your projects.


You do not need to have prior knowledge of WordPress or website creation, although a small user-level computer base to know how to get around on your computer or device helps you move forward safely.


The terms and concepts used in this course are basic and understandable by users without prior experience. However, if necessary, a small glossary of terms used is included in some lessons to facilitate understanding.


This WordPress Course is not advanced or for experts, since here we focus on making known the base, the different administrator screens, and how the essential elements that make it possible to build content with ease work.

How much does this WordPress Course remain helpful?

The design of our courses is very simple and requires that you have to register yourself WordPress training center.


Once you enroll, the course becomes associated with you and in your progress file, which will advance in percentage as your complete lessons and quizzes.


It is necessary to take the Course in the order in which the Lessons are presented and it is not possible to skip one or several since you will not be able to advance if you do not do it linearly, one lesson after another.

WordPress Course Certification

Once you have successfully completed this course, you will obtain a Certificate (in PDF format) that you can download and print, and that certifies having taken and completed. This would be a prof of your element or course.

WordPress Certification
WordPress Certification

Take your first step and start training with this WordPress Course from BurraqItsolutions. 

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