Digital marketing, what is it?


Definition of digital marketing

Difficult, therefore, not to react to these dizzying figures... We can definitely no longer think of marketing without digital. A company can no longer limit itself to traditional marketing (events, PR, brochures, etc.). In any case, that is our belief.

Digital marketing includes all the techniques and methods used to promote a service or product via digital (or digital) media.

Digital marketing is everywhere and there are many digital channels:

Websites (merchant site, blog, etc.)

Social networks

Mobile marketing (including mobile apps)

SEO (natural referencing on search engines)

The SEA (paid referencing)

Inbound marketing (content strategies, lead nurturing, etc.)

Even street marketing, which should not be digital, has gone digital (QR code for example)

Everything has obviously developed thanks to new technologies and new uses: computers at the start and now smartphones, connected devices or even voice assistants.

Objectives of digital marketing

As we said above, digital marketing is useful for publicizing your business and the products or services sold.

More than that, it's a great way to get to know and connect with your customers better. For a client, giving his opinion, reacting to a publication on social networks... All of this has never been so easy!

There are a multitude of digital marketing levers and actions that you can activate. We will detail them in the following sections. In any case, you should know that they will be useful for:

Bring more traffic to your websites

Convert your visitors and develop your turnover

Retain your customers

Improve your notoriety

The benefits of a good digital marketing strategy

So why exactly should you focus on your digital marketing?

The first point and not the least… Digital marketing is accessible to ALL companies, regardless of their size or sector of activity. Indeed, in general, it is much easier to control the costs generated by a digital marketing campaign. Unlike offline marketing. The calculation of ROI or "Return on Investment" is very easy to measure using statistical tools on a website or using metrics on social media.

In addition, if you have just launched an activity or if you want to test a new product offer, digital marketing allows you to quickly test your idea. Your product does not even need to exist physically, you will simply confront your market. All you need: a well-built sales page and a dose of advertising! When more classic advertising is aimed at everyone, digital marketing allows you to be very precise.

Finally, remember that the web offers geographical and time perspectives that are impossible to match with a physical store... All of France (or even the world) can potentially hear about your service at any time of the day!

Besides, your customers have never been so close to you with social networks. They allow you to build a community of Internet users interested in your products and services. Thanks to the interactions on your publications or the use of private messaging, your customers can write to you. You can ask them for the evolution of your offer or the creation of a product. The client/company relationship is completely transformed!

The most effective digital marketing levers for your strategy

How to implement an effective digital marketing strategy? In b to b, if you want to achieve your goals, you must work first on: inbound marketing, content marketing and marketing automation. These are, without a doubt, the most powerful marketing levers to activate.

Work on your personas and their journey, the undeniable prerequisite of your marketing action plan.

There is one essential rule for success in digital marketing: You must know your customers perfectly.

You must then model them through the creation of buyer personas and the use of the jobs to be done method. This is essential to better understand the motivations of your targets and their needs. If this work is neglected, your digital marketing action plan will rest on poor foundations.

By working on your personas in a precise way, you will be able to create content adapted to their needs and therefore attract them to your website, your social networks but also directly to your sales representatives!

Inbound marketing: the best ROI marketing strategy

Inbound marketing is a conversion process based on the idea that customers today are no longer sensitive to invasive procedures. Your targets need you to solve a problem. You must help them solve it and only approach them at the right time to sell them your services. For this you need to know them and understand their customer journey.

There are 4 major phases to consider:

The discovery phase

The evaluation phase

The decision phase

The loyalty phase

For each phase of the customer journey, you need to offer relevant content. Each action of your visitors allows them to progress and with the help of tools you will be able to assign a maturity score to each of them. A good inbound marketing strategy will allow you to understand at what stage each of your visitors are: Lead, MQL, and SQL…

What you need to remember here is that inbound marketing allows you to qualify and convert your leads with the right content at the right time. It is therefore a clever mix between: content marketing and a relevant content distribution strategy (if possible automatically: marketing automation).

Content marketing, the fuel of your digital marketing action plan

Content marketing is defined as the creation and dissemination of content to attract and retain an audience. It is intimately linked to inbound marketing but can also be used to feed your outbound approaches (prospecting, advertising, exhibition, etc.).

Indeed, you will create a certain number of contents (texts, videos, images, etc.) intended to capture your prospect at each stage in their decision-making. These are content that respond to a problem or to the questions of your audience.

Here are examples of relevant content to highlight your expertise, make yourself known and inspire your prospect's confidence:

Presentation videos of your company

An infographic on the key figures of your sector of activity

A white paper describing a technique that you use on a daily basis and that you sell as a service

A blog article that describes a fundamental trend observed in your field

A web story for mobile-first and engaging content

A case study on a mission you have carried out in the past including the testimony of a client

A partnership with an influencer who is sensitive to your universe

Take the example of this recruitment firm: part of the site is dedicated to useful resources for companies on the subject of recruitment. There are blog articles, customer testimonials or a podcast:

Marketing automation, an essential part of your marketing plan

A definition of marketing automation would be the following: the automation of marketing campaigns with the aim of generating leads. In two words: you will send communication messages automatically, at the right time and to the right person.

To do this, you can use a marketing automation tool and affix it to an effective inbound marketing strategy. Inbound marketing will allow you to identify specific customer segments and assess the maturity of visitors within these segments. You will thus be able to build scenarios adapted to the progress of the prospect in his journey and help him to progress towards your solution, all without the intervention of your sales team (until your lead is ready).

Example of marketing automation:

You are selling a marketing automation solution. You have determined that your target is marketing directors, but also managers of SMEs and ETIs. Thanks to your blog, you have many quality articles allowing your visitors to understand marketing automation and its challenges.

At the end of your articles thanks to a download banner you offer a white paper on the implementation of a marketing automation strategy. Visitors can download it on a dedicated landing page against their email address and thus enter an automation process.

They will receive more specific content at regular intervals: A guide to the 5 mistakes to avoid when embarking on marketing automation, a 45-minute webinar presenting the action plan to get started with one of your customers, then you invite the prospect to an online demonstration of your tool.

What is very interesting with marketing automation is being able to quickly measure your impact. Every step, every email is tracked. You will know if the prospect has opened the email or not, if he has downloaded or read the resource you sent him and will thus be able to detect the

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